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96 search results for: this


Love For The Dancing Mind

Always looking for a way to make things better. What if everything, I mean everything was the best it could possibly be in each moment, but our minds travel away and miss it?  Each time it doesn’t see it because it is somewhere else. Jumping in to stop what we don’t prefer is like jumping […]


7 Perception Shifting Books

Information has an amazing ability to transform our choices and illuminate our own knowingness.  At the same time, information can keep us suspended in this middle space of never being enough.  We see a headline promoting something, and we think, I want that because I don’t feel like I have it in my life.  We […]



We realize that there is no alternative to the experience that we have.  Our experience is the only experience there is.  This is the ultimate teacher. -Pema Chodron (photo by Jake Ingle)



The sense of problems niggles at me.  I can’t help but question what all this thinking, all this judgment, all this monotony, this constant striving to get somewhere at some point is – it is like a treadmill.  I have watched repetitive habit energies circling my body, brain, and emotions.  Survival tactics, looking into the deep […]


Learning To Let Go Through The Body

To be in the moment but not of the moment. To accept my Self fully.  To embrace the physical manifestations of choice and responsibility.  To let go.  To accept the hanging on is something I am doing. To let go the gripping, holding, and stuck turns to freedom, flexibility, and malleable movement.  


What To Do?

Maybe it’s the doing from the place of the problem that is the problem itself. Maybe this approach keeps us mired in the same system that we so oppose, and the solutions are then only at the surface perpetuating the ‘us against them’ story. Maybe not knowing the solution is where the answer lies that […]


The Energetic Transposition Between Thought and Muscles

Have you ever looked at a skeleton and seen the amount of space that exists within the human body without the muscles, tendons, cartilage, etc.?  The amount of space between the bones is beyond expansive than what I typically feel within the movement of my body. Bones are denser than muscles, yet often times it […]


Utilizing Experiences to Meet Yourself

One of the biggest things that has led me to where I am today is understanding that everything – and I mean everything is an opportunity! Experiences happen to help us if we can only clear the fogged mirror long enough to look inside.


Acceptance, A Path To Wholeness

There is a fine line between acceptance and being involved to fix, resolve and replace. Acceptance is just letting it be. Fixing is seeing it and wanting or needing to do something about it – action steps to rid yourself of the experience. Acceptance is, however, totally accepting it, period.  Accept it.  There it is.