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96 search results for: this


A New Year Word

Welcome to 2018! I have been off in hibernation over the holidays – it is what I do every year.  I visit my family at the beginning of December, my hubby heads off to his family’s house, and I stay at the casa with Travis (the cat) and hibernate. It is one of my favorite […]


How Are Your Senses Shaping Your Perception Of Reality?

I have an overactive right side, physically, which has contributed to the thoracic outlet syndrome the medical profession diagnosed years ago.  Everything from my right eye to my right toes works harder than the left side of my body (except the gluteus minimus).  If you look closely at my physical structure, in person, you can […]


Meditation, No Slick Guarantees Here

Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, regardless of all the slick guarantees, do not make unwanted things go away.  These practices do not hold promises of unending bliss.  Instead, they create a space to see yourself as you are and open your heart to yourself with acceptance and kindness.  They expose your habits and present them before […]


My Theory of Everything

This post was written by my dear friend, Carol Orsborn I think of myself as a seeker and for years I experienced myself as a human being utilizing spiritual practice to alleviate the drama of life. But one of the great gifts of age is that perceptions—even cherished ones– can seemingly change in a flash, like the final […]


Why You Can Meditate

When I meditate I focus on my out-breath.  When I first begin my meditation practice, I pay attention to the qualities of the out-breath, the color, the texture, etc…. After getting settled, usually about 5 minutes, I start to pay attention more to the space around the out-breath rather than the qualities of the breath […]


Communicating Mindfully Through Email

Everywhere I look my daily life offers opportunities to become more mindful, present, aware, and responsive.  Everyday “mundane” tasks unfold in front of me, and I see the opportunity to serve them vs. how reactive and ultimately unmindful I have approached these interactions with life. One of those daily interactions, my attention was drawn to […]


The Grace Of Receiving

Something to do.  My mind pulls for something to do.  Is it pulling to get away?  I don’t know, but it has an early morning sense of restlessness.  My mind jumps around trying to latch onto something. When the mind is searching, I can feel the physical tension; the cricky neck, and the tight right […]


The Third Patriarch of Zen Verses on the Faith Mind

The Third Patriarch of Zen by Seng-T’san The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences. When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised. Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart.


The Heart Of The Matter

According to the HeartMath Institute, “from our current understanding of the elaborate feedback networks between the brain, heart and mental and emotional systems, it becomes clear that the age-old struggle between intellect and emotion will not be resolved by the mind gaining dominance over the emotions, but rather by increasing the harmonious balance between the […]