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96 search results for: this


Le..Annie Drop Your Gun

I get lost in my thoughts, like every other human being in the entire world.  For me this “getting lost” is most prevalent in the morning.  They are thoughts fueled by anger and sadness and before I know it I have spent a good hour shuffling through my morning “doings,” and sometimes even driving while […]


Death And The Merging With Life

Death, it is a funny thing and not something, in my experience, anyone enjoys talking or thinking about with sincerity.  We keep death at a distance.  It is known but always a known that will be “later.” It seems, for the most part, we avoid the reality that this thing called death is the one […]


How A Personality Test Brought Acceptance

I ran into some old papers last evening from a job I had over 20 years ago and included in them I found a personality test I had taken, a Myers Briggs test.  I vaguely remember taking the test back in the day and the feeling of disdain I had for being placed in a […]


What If?

What if you accepted this moment, and everything and everyone in it, including yourself, as exactly enough?        


Expectations Obscure Reality

Expectations are a funny thing.  I feel I am someone who harbors many expectations.  My expectations so often obscure my view of reality to such an extreme I cannot see things as they are or people for who they are for that matter. Dropping expectations often feels like a thin line to walk, for I […]


Your Self Perfect

Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors…all I plead with you is this:  make love of your self perfect. -Sri Nisargadatta


Taking A Closer Look At Monkey Mind

Energy extended outward, when intentionally watching, it surges inward and dances in front of me. The amount of energy produced inside of me exceeds the amount needed to function.  It overwhelms me as it comes inside and slowly reduces.  I feel the production of energy is too great, and it is apparent that it takes […]


Taking The Past Into The Present, Mindfully

Along the way, with each day and sometimes even each second I learn something new.  As I welcome the new year and reflect over the past years, there are a few “solids” that have unraveled in my life so far, and I want to share with you the culmination of that reflection.  I feel blessed […]


Pay Attention, A Practice

I analyze.  I am continually finding myself analyzing situations and then strategizing how to best respond.  At least this is what I have called it for most of my life.  This obsessive analyzing has served me in many positive ways: It has made me a super problem solver. I am a tinkerer driven by a […]